Free in the mail August 23rd & 24th
Samples of Tena pads, Kashi cereal, Huggies diapers from Walmart, coupons for Bounce from Vocalpoint, lip gloss from Bobbi Brown Cosmetics & our picture from Expressionables.
Free in the mail August 23rd
Coupons that got us free things!
Free in the mail August 19th & 20th
Free in the mail August 17th & 18th
Poise pads, Huggies diapers, ear phones & pear shape note pad from BrilliantStore, 2 Suave coupons for free items (up to $3), Febreze air freshener + coupons, Tri-Body Wash from Skincare for athletes, & $10 off 25 JcPenney coupon!
Free in the mail July 30th
I got these coupons in the mail 7/30/2011. 1 coupon for a free Pantene up to 4.99, 1 free Herbal Essences up to 3.99, & 1 free old orchard frozen juice. I also had $3 off any Aussie when you buy any herbal Essence (expired 7/31). I went at Target and got them for free.
Old orchard on sale for 1.27- free
Herbal Essence 3.59- free
Aussie 2.94- free
Floss .89 each - used 2 -$1 free
Free in the mail July 27th & 28th
I got more samples of Invisible glass, Vitamin C, 1 sample of fiber choice, Barista Coffee & Funky Monkey from Tomoson's site!
Free in the mail July 14th & 26th
Free in the mail July 22nd & 23rd
Free in the mail July 18th & 19th
Billy the Kid DVD from 1SaleADay, sample of Lactaid fast act, a book of coupons from P&G, 4 samples of Invisible glass wipes, 2 samples of shampoo & conditioner from Aveeno
Free in the mail July 15th
Free in the mail July 14th